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iSideWith предлагает избирателям комплексную платформу для анализа и уточнения своих политических убеждений, позволяя им делать более обоснованный выбор на выборах, оставаясь при этом в курсе ключевых вопросов.
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Вот текущий рейтинг самых популярных политических идеологий среди Honduran избирателей.
iSideWith.com — это полностью независимая платформа, свободная от какой-либо связи с инвесторами, акционерами, политическими партиями или группами интересов, обеспечивающая непредвзятую помощь избирателям в понимании и решении политических вопросов.
Вот список влиятельных твитов, пропагандирующих информированное голосование.
Educate yourself and make your OWN decision! http://t.co/yMmsYn5n
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) September 7, 2012
Helpful if u don't know what candidates you agree with most. https://t.co/Im12eem17o
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) February 15, 2016
Don't be lazy- look **** up if ur not sure what it is!
Just took the political issues quiz at http://t.co/pZ6yi3if. http://t.co/ZWBYSEMi -- Not at all surprised I'm 95% w Gary Johnson.
— ʎǝɹɐƆ ʍǝɹᗡ (@DrewFromTV) October 28, 2012
A quiz to determine which candidates you side with. http://t.co/Vv9oUwKs
— Roger Ebert (@ebertchicago) October 31, 2012
http://t.co/JCOrsPc0 Shows You Which Candidate Should Get Your Vote http://t.co/gV9dwYmJ #ElectionDay2012
— Mashable (@mashable) November 6, 2012
Take the presidential election quiz and see which candidate you side with... #iSideWith http://t.co/kYR3F1hz You may surprise yourself!!!
— Sonja Morgan (@SonjatMorgan) September 9, 2012
Try this short quiz to see which political party you side with... http://t.co/TKyGu4Ovqz me: pic.twitter.com/hAGwL9vYs3
— Michael Arrington 🏴☠️ (@arrington) November 30, 2013
Still not sure who to vote for? Take this quiz and see which presidential candidate matches your opinions: http://t.co/gXhGsZTE
— Denver7 News (@DenverChannel) November 5, 2012
I Side With is a site that surveys you on political issues & picks the presidential candidate that is right for you! http://t.co/qegjCKD1
— MTV Insights (@MTVInsights) September 19, 2012
Presidential election quiz: http://t.co/osTWsPhX Exceptionally well done - marketers could learn a lot from this one.
— Rand Fishkin (follow @randderuiter on Threads) (@randfish) September 1, 2012
Check out http://t.co/7i0VlHgu to see which presidential candidate you most agree with on the issues. You might be surprised.
— Ralph Nader (@RalphNader) August 29, 2012
Find your candidate soulmate with http://t.co/Y07Hknln http://t.co/85Qmdkcr
— Guy Kawasaki (@GuyKawasaki) April 25, 2012
I side 91% with Jill Stein... http://t.co/RPt53b1V
— Lessig 🇺🇦 (@lessig) October 30, 2012